Cos'è il bene e cos'è il male: equilibrio!
I sogni sono film, scritti e diretti dal nostro stato d'animo.
Il bacio: consigliato a chi non ha problemi di cuore!
Quando credi di avere tutte le risposte, la vita ti cambia tutte le domande.
"Ma si dai, come una poesia. Sai come si dice in inglese studiare a memoria? By heart, col cuore. Anche in francese si dice par coeur... ecco, in questo senso intendo. Conoscere una persona a memoria,...
'Tis not the swaying frame we miss -
It is the steadfast Heart,
That had it beat a thousand years,
With Love alone had bent -
It's fervor the electric Oar,
That bore it through the Tomb -
Ourselves, d...
... and in the indifference the heart is really full of pain!
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
L'assenza fa crescere il cuore pi? affettuoso.
An angel in the heart for to love and a lion in the brain to fight the evil! These are the God's children!
and free the heart from his prison!
Angels listen when she speaks:
She 's my delight, all mankind's wonder;
But my jealous heart would break
Should we live one day asunder.
As you live deeper in the heart, the mirror gets clearer and cleaner.
Be silent, that heart speaks without tongue or lips.
By homely gifts and hindered words
The human heart is told
Of nothing -
"Nothing" is the force
That renovates the World.
Can a fragrance make you lose your head and steal your heart?
Crisis is sweet and yet the Heart
Upon the hither side
Has Dowers of Prospective
Surrendered by the Tried -
Inquire of the proudest Rose
Which rapture - she preferred
And she will tell you sighing -
God made no act without a cause -
nor heart without an aim -
Our inference is premature,
our premises to blame.
Good Bye My Heart a te che vieni e te che vai. È stato bello comunque andrà.
Her sweet Weight on my Heart a Night
Had scarcely deigned to lie -
When, stirring, for Belief's delight,
My Bride had slipped away -
If 'twas a Dream - made solid - just
The Heaven to confirm -
Or if ...
His Heart was darker than the starless night
For that there is a morn
But in this black Receptacle
Can be no Bode of Dawn.
Hope is a strange invention -
A Patent of the Heart -
In unremitting action
Yet never wearing out -
Of this electric adjunct
Not anything is known
But it's unique momentum
Embellish all we own.
I am in the house of mercy and my heart is the place of prayer.
I need you like a heart needs a beat.
Ho bisogno di te come il cuore ha bisogno di battere.
I'll be back so soon you won't have time to miss me. Look after my heart. I've left it with you.
Sar? di ritorno talmente presto che non avrai il tempo di sentire la mia mancanza. Prenditi cura del mi...